HSE FFA member receives Built Ford Tough Scholarship

Don Hinds Ford General Manager John Colglazier (left) presents the scholarship to Allison Giganti. (Photo provided)

As part of Ford Motor Company’s ongoing commitment to the National FFA Foundation, 323 scholarships were awarded this year across the United States.

The Built Ford Tough Scholarship is a one-time $1,000 scholarship. The scholarship is equally funded by Ford Motor Company and local Ford dealers. Since 1997, over $14 million in scholarships have been awarded to National FFA members. Scholarships are awarded based on FFA activities, leadership experience, community service and academic performance.

This year, Don Hinds Ford awarded a scholarship to support Allison Giganti, an FFA student at Hamilton Southeastern High School. Congratulations!

National FFA is grateful for Ford Motor Company and Don Hinds Ford’s continued investment in local FFA members’ future educational plans.