Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School Board President Michelle Fullhart is about halfway through her second term on the board and is not up for re-election in 2020, but posted on Facebook in the early morning hours of Wednesday that she is “disappointed in so many people in our community right now.”

Fullhart cites one particular Facebook group she does not name “…who have resorted to name calling and out-right bullying toward those (that) don’t share their views.”
She describes one post on that group aimed at another group of HSE parents. “The vitriol and nastiness is awful,” wrote the school board president.
“2020 has brought out the worst in so many people, and emboldened horrible behavior,” wrote Fullhart. “At least I have hope for the children of our community, many of whom are behaving better than their parents. I’ve seen so many great examples of things students are doing that show they care about their fellow human beings. Some of their parents, not so much.”
In the era of COVID-19, virtual classes, with social distancing in schools and nearly everywhere else, it is clear we are all feeling the pain – students, parents, teachers and school administrators alike. It may be time to take a deep breath, think about not just how difficult this time is and has been for you and your family, but also think about how everyone around you is suffering as well.
Although Michelle Fullhart is “disappointed” in some parts of the HSE Schools community, there are others working to deal with the challenges of life in a pandemic. Ms. Fullhart does cite this in what she described as a Facebook “rant.” Time will tell how we all get through this.