HSE adopts $242.8 million 2019 spending plan

Tax rate on assessed property value expected to drop. . .


The Hamilton Southeastern School Board held a public hearing in September on its $242.8 million 2019 budget, and no one chose to speak. On Wednesday night, board members unanimously approved the 2019 budget blueprint.

HSE Chief Financial Officer Mike Reuter told the board rules are changing on how school boards choose to spend their money.  For example, what was once called the General Fund is now known at the Education Fund.

School boards across the state will have much more flexibility on how they spend money within those funds, according to Reuter.  Boards may move money between these various funds more easily under revised state statutes.

All the numbers are not yet in from the county, but Reuter says his projections show the HSE school tax rate will likely go down by about 1 cent per $100 of assessed value in 2019.