How self-love changed my life


Sheridan High School Student

Editor’s Note: The Sheridan Student Column is brought to readers by Sheridan High School’s 10th grade English class, taught by Abby Williams.

This probably seems like such a cliché title and topic, but the impact it has on my life is grand. The definition of self-love is: regards for one’s own well-being and happiness. I am a 16-year-old girl, and as you could imagine, sometimes loving myself isn’t the easiest. I have had a long road from where I am now, and it has matured me in such a way that it changed the way I view others and my outlook on life. Let me tell you a little something about self-love.

In middle school I really struggled with who I was. I dyed my hair multiple colors of the rainbow and wore lots of eyeliner. I did these things because I was struggling with an overwhelming sadness that seemed to follow me until high school. I wanted to stand out so people would perceive me as a strong and confident woman. I led most people to believe these things and some still believe them to this day. I thought I wanted my world to end until I hit the summer before my freshman year.

The thing that saved me most in life was basketball. I went to my first summer workout with my basketball team. I met some very strong women who continue to impact who I am today. It was those people who impacted my views on myself. I started to become more confident and reverse the damage I had done in middle school. By the time freshman year hit I was feeling a lot better about myself and thought I was ready to tackle the world. My self-love was at a peak.

I had always struggled with the way I looked. Especially with my teeth: every beautiful girl I saw had these perfectly straight teeth and I definitely don’t. I would try to hide my smile because of the embarrassment it caused me. Like I said, freshman year was a peak but I still struggled.

During my freshman year I decided to become a cheerleader, which challenged my biggest insecurities. The summer before my sophomore year I started my cheer practices and had basketball workouts every day. I was really letting myself be confident. Once the football season started I had to cheer with a smile on my face and tell myself that it was okay to not only smile but to mess up in front of stands full of people. I don’t regret that one bit.

I am currently a sophomore and my first cheer season was the best thing I have done with my life since basketball. During my basketball season I have grown so confident and loved my game. The love I had for myself had grown so much since last season. Seems a little self-absorbed, don’t you think? That didn’t matter to me though, because I didn’t go around talking about how great I was: it was my own battle. I found a lot of self-love through sports, and they pushed me to love my flaws but also to improve on them. Right now in life, my self-love and confidence is pretty great.

This is probably a cliché topic and you may have gotten bored along the way, but I’m glad you stuck around to hear my story of self-love and how I learned to love myself. I hope someone reads this and decides to love themself too. I’m glad I shared my story. I want to encourage others to love themselves the way I do because it can really change your life. If you only take one thing away from this I hope it is that you should be confident in yourself no matter what. And that is how self-love changed my life.

1 Comment on "How self-love changed my life"

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your journey Shelby! It was a wonderful read and am sure , will be life changing for many who read it. Self love isn’t about being self absorbed or selfish. As you rightly say, it’s about being accepting and loving of oneself. Only then can we give our best to others!
    Kudos and all the best to you! Be happy and smiling always!

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