How Noblesville Schools referendum will affect homeowners’ tax rates

Dear Editor:

Noblesville Schools is proposing to raise their tax rate from 1.3136 to 1.4946 per $100 of your home’s net assessed valuation. You can find the net assessed value of your home on your tax bill, online on Hamilton County’s website, or from the county Assessor. You can also find how much the proposal will increase your school tax in dollars per year.

Take your net assessed value and multiply by 0.01 to get base rate that above multipliers are applied to in order to see current versus proposed school tax liability.

Or, for every $100,000 of your home’s net assessed value, your tax liability will rise from $1,313.60 per year to $1,494.60 per year – an increase of $181 per year for each $100,000 of your home’s net assessed value.

This does not take into account your home’s assessment rising, which will raise all of your other tax liabilities (state, county, city, township, library, etc.) proportionally.

Details of the referendum are posted on the Noblesville Schools website.

Jerry Mace


1 Comment on "How Noblesville Schools referendum will affect homeowners’ tax rates"

  1. David Shank | October 13, 2018 at 7:11 pm |

    Why are not more people AWARE that with the growth in Noblesville & Hamilton County there is plenty of NEW MONEY coming in to the income base… Problem is HOW it is being spent and allocated to where it needs to be spent..

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