HOPE Family Care Center offers three walk-in medical & flu shot clinics this month

HOPE Family Care Center, 509 N. Peru St., Cicero, offers free medical, dental, counseling, women’s health, mammography, and diabetes education services to uninsured and medically under-served patients from Hamilton, Tipton, Madison, and Boone counties.

As part of its services, HOPE offers free walk-in medical and flu shot clinics, as well as sports physicals, every month. In addition, dental care, counseling, women’s health services, and diabetes education are offered at no charge by appointment.

If you are in need of HOPE’s services this month, please visit the clinic at one of the times listed below, or contact HOPE to schedule an appointment.

  • Tuesday, Feb. 11: 6 to 8:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, Feb. 15: 9 to 11:30 a.m.
  • Tuesday, Feb. 25: 6 to 8:30 p.m.

HOPE Family Care Center is a faith based non-profit free health clinic. For more information, or to ask about an appointment, call (317) 984-3444 or email hfcccicero@gmail.com.