HIP earns Weed Wrangler Award

Removing invasive plants such as honeysuckle is part of the important work of the Hamilton County Invasives Partnership. (Photo courtesy Red-tail Land Conservancy)

The Hamilton County Invasives Partnership (HIP) was awarded the 2020 Weed Wrangler Award at the annual Indiana Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas (CISMA) Conference, which was held virtually on Aug. 20.

Weed Wrangle® is a national program that highlights the importance of managing invasive species, celebrates native plant communities and the wildlife and resources they support, and provides action through hands-on invasive species management in precious green spaces.

“When a non-native species become established in the natural environment, we refer to them as an invasive species,” said Diane Turner, HCSWCD Conservation Tech and Outreach Assistant. “Invasive species disrupt the critical relationships that our native species have with their environment, out-compete our native flora and destroy the native habitat that is vital to wildlife.”

HIP’s mission is to mobilize land stewards to manage and eliminate invasive species in Hamilton County. The group accomplishes this through education and encouraging action. The Weed Wrangler Award is given with the intention to recognize groups who engage partners, obtain event sponsors, and work to increase participation, all in support of managing invasive plants across their state. HIP received this award due to its ability to re-adjust strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic, switching from several weed wrangle events to an online social media campaign. The group was also recognized for the number of partners involved in HIP, including representatives from various governmental agencies, non-profits, and concerned citizens or citizen groups.

The Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) founded HIP in 2019 and continues to serve as the coordinating body for the group and its many partners. Anyone interested in learning more about invasive species or supporting their management in Hamilton County is welcome to join HIP.

For additional information on invasive species in and around Hamilton County, contact the SWCD at (317) 773-2181 or visit hamltonswcd.org. To learn more about the Hamilton County Invasives Partnership, visit hcinvasives.org.