Comments from Jeff Hern:
“This is surprising to me that there has been an admission of guilt of criminal mischief, as of now those charges still stand. I have not been arrested and processed, there is no mug shot, no fingerprints.”
“My attorney gave me the best advice and it was going to be another $20,000 to fight a misdemeanor. I took my attorney’s advice because $20,000 is a lot to come out of my family. They said if you are willing to write a check for the signs, write an apology letter which states that your attitude, your behavior during the campaign trail, being nicer and things like that which is something I can always work on is to be a better person. In less than a year the charges will be dismissed, there will be no prosecution, there will be nothing. There is no crime.”
“So this is all surprising to me. I lost my checkbook and my passport and a number of things out of my car that evening. Gates were open, we had an electrical storm and couldn’t shut the gates. A lot of people there leave their cars unlocked, my bad.”
“I understand, I appreciate you guys coming tonight and speaking your voice. A lot of people wanting to push Trump out office to put Hillary Clinton in. Other people have pushed to get Barack Obama out of office. Other pushed George W. Bush out of office, other people are fighting to get Bill Clinton out of office. That is what we do, we fight for all the people we want in office and those we don’t.”
“Approximately 73,000 people voted for me to do what I was elected to do at the Fall Creek Township Trustee position, lower taxes, keep taxes low and increase services and they elected me to do that here and that is what I plan to continue to do.”