The food pantry at the Noblesville Township Trustee’s office is running low, and you can help by going to the Farmers Market this month.

Theresa Caldwell told The Reporter the Trustee’s office will have a booth at the Farmers Market on Saturday, Sept. 30, which is also Pet Day at the Farmers Market.
“Our office has partnered with Kiln Creations and Pet Supplies Plus,” Caldwell said. “Kiln Creations is providing a coupon to everyone who donates non-perishable food items. The coupon is good any Saturday in October or November to make a paw print ornament for free. Pet Supplies Plus in Noblesville has donated a nice gift bag filled with a dog leash, dog toys and dog treats. Anyone who donates food will also be entered into a drawing to win the gift bag. Any food items can be dropped off at our booth. Gift cards from Kroger and Meijer are welcome as well.”
Tuesdays are the food pantry day at the Trustee’s office, 836 Division St., Noblesville, but they will help anyone that needs food on any other day as well.
“A bag of food typically contains canned good items like, soup, vegetables, fruit,” Caldwell said. “We also will put a recipe in the bag and the ingredients to make that recipe – for example, spaghetti or tacos. Our bag typically contains food for one or two days depending on the size of your family, so people would have to access other food pantries as well. We also get fresh produce right now which we put out in the front of our office, and people are welcome to come in any day of the week and get the produce they like.”
According to Caldwell, the office serves many people who do not have transportation and walk or ride bikes. They serve many homeless individuals and families. They also work with individuals who get out of jail and need food to get started since some people have nothing when they are released.
“We are open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.,” Caldwell said. “Because most food pantries have specific days and times that they are open, many people come to us to help them get through until they can get to another food pantry. This summer we have served 732 individuals.”
It has been a long time since the office has needed to hold a food drive for the pantry.
“We do partner with Harvest Food Bank and receive food from them,” Caldwell said. “We typically have an abundance of soups, mac-n-cheese, spaghetti, breakfast foods, and we are just low on everything. This has been a record year for us in assisting people who have needed help.”
Bring non-perishable food items to the Noblesville Farmers Market at Federal Hill Commons, 175 Logan St., Noblesville, on Saturday, Sept. 30 to help restock the panty. You can also donate gift cards from Kroger or Meijer, which allows the Trustee to buy specific items needed for the pantry.
If you would like to find other ways to help, call the Noblesville Township Trustee at (317) 773-0249.