Hamilton County has created a Broadband Task Force, led by the Hamilton County Economic Development Corporation, to explore connectivity issues within the county. It is asking for the public’s help in identifying areas where broadband connections are weak or nonexistent.
“The pandemic has shown us just how important it is to have county wide connections to do schoolwork, work from home, or manage a business,” said Amy Massillamany, president of the Hamilton County Council and a member of the Broadband Task Force. “While the majority of our broadband concerns are located in the northern part of the county, this survey will help us identify other pockets where we could use a boost.”
The State of Indiana has encouraged counties and regions to use the results to create their own broadband maps with support from Purdue University. Many expect federal and state dollars to available soon to address the issues.
Residents are encouraged to fill out the survey at surveymonkey.com/r/HamCoBroadband. It will be open for three weeks. Hamilton County’s school districts will also be sending information home with students about the survey.
In addition to Massillamany, members of the Hamilton County Broadband Task Force include County Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt, Jordan Musall with Hamilton County Tourism, Corby Thompson with Boomerang Development, Jeremy Hunt and Brad Fruth with Beck’s Hybrids, Chuck Haberman with the City of Noblesville, Jack Russell with One Zone, Kai Chuck with the City of Westfield, Jason Pearce with Riverview Health, Tom Kouns with Hamilton Southeastern Schools, Lea Jessup with Sheridan Schools, Andrew Swickheimer with Noblesville Schools, Craig Wolfgang and Dave Slabe with Hamilton Heights Schools, Barry Neuman with Carmel Clay Schools, Dan Brita with Westfield Washington Schools, and Carol Sergi with Hamilton County Economic Development.