Heights track team honors Westfield track student who passed away last fall

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Dear Editor:

I wanted to reach out and let you know of a special act of kindness done by the Hamilton Heights Unified Track team.

They were our guests at Westfield High School’s senior night. WHS lost one of our senior team members, Dominic Strain, last fall to a tragic accident. We were honoring him along with his fellow classmates Tuesday night.

I let the HHHS Unified Track Coach know what we were doing, as it would create a bit longer of an evening. When they arrived, they brought custom-made green wrist bands with a white Shamrock on them. In the middle of the Shamrock was a “D” for Dominic. Their entire team wore them, and they gave one to each of our seniors and coaches.

There are a lot of difficult things happening in the world, I just wanted to shine a light on something good and compassionate in our community.

Tamie Gipe
