Heights High School band ‘plays’ it forward

Craig Waltz, Director, Hamilton Heights Middle and High School Band program, along with members of the high school band spent Monday afternoon at Hamilton Heights Elementary School. Waltz highlighted the band program, its members, the instruments played and shared a sampling of some of their favorite music as part of this annual event designed to promote the opportunity to participate in the band program at the middle school. (Photo provided)

Members of the Hamilton Heights High School band spent Monday afternoon with students and staff at Hamilton Heights Elementary School. The annual event drums up excitement for students to participate in the Middle School band beginning in sixth grade.

“Many of our band members remember how much they enjoyed listening to musical snippets, learning about the various instruments, and meeting students who played them,” said Craig Waltz, Director of Hamilton Heights award-winning band program. “The elementary students really look up to the high school band members and are inspired by the music and variety of instruments.”

“This day is a tradition and kind of special to all of us,” Waltz continued. “It often signals the beginning of many of our student’s love affair with music and playing in the band.”