On Thursday, Hamilton Heights Superintendent Dr. Derek Arrowood announced the district will implement a hybrid schedule for students in grades 5 through 12.
In an email sent to parents and students, Arrowood said:

“After much review, research, and consideration, Hamilton Heights School Corporation will implement a new hybrid (a model of in-person and E-Learning) scheduling format for students in grades 5 through 12 beginning Monday, January 4, 2021 through March 12, 2021 (the 3rd nine-week grading period). Principals Jarrod Mason (HHHS) and Bret Bailey (HHMS) will be sending out additional information and specifics about the hybrid schedule tomorrow.
“Elementary school will remain as in-person daily, because we believe that is the best instructional model for these students at this time.
“We also believe this move, which was the result of a collaborative effort between our Hamilton Heights Classroom Teachers Association, administrators, and parent input, will offer us the best option to establish a quality teaching and learning experience for our middle and high school students and staff.
“This new hybrid schedule, similar to what many area middle and high schools have had in place since the beginning of this school year, will provide a safe option for families who want in-person instruction as well as an option for families who want to continue with remote learning.
“This is not a perfect solution and it cannot replace the pre-COVID-19 student-centered classroom, but it is the right move for the times we are facing with safety first and foremost. Thank you for your patience, flexibility, and support as we continue to rise to the challenges before us.”