HCEM volunteers complete weeklong Communications Technician course

(From left) Joe March, Dane Dillon, and John Gooldy. (Photo provided by Hamilton County Emergency Management)

Three Hamilton County Emergency Management (HCEM) volunteers gave up their week to attend the Communications Technician course offered by the Indiana Public Safety Commission.

Joe March, RACES Program Coordinator, John Gooldy, RACES Logistics Section Chief, and Dane Dillon, RACES IT and Training Coordinator spent the week learning how to setup, program, and repair equipment.

“We are incredibly grateful for the time they donate to Hamilton County,” HCEM Executive Director Shane Booker said. “We are better prepared to respond to emergencies and disasters because of their talents.”

The course is part of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s communications program. During an emergency or incident, the Communications Unit staff install and test communications equipment, supervise and operate the incident communications center, distribute, and recover communications equipment assigned to incident personnel, and maintain and repair communications equipment on site.