HATCH donates 36 coolers to food pantries in need during Hunger Action Month

Coolers will enhance cold storage accessibility & combat 500-million-pound protein gap nationwide

In recognition of Hunger Action Month, HATCH, an Indianapolis-based national nonprofit dedicated to creating nutrition through access to animal protein, in partnership with the American Egg Board, is donating 36 cold storage coolers to food pantries in need of improved storage capabilities in 16 states across the nation.

Many food pantries struggle with acquiring adequate cold storage for produce and protein that requires consistent refrigeration to stay fresh. Many of the most nutritious and essential food items for families in need, including eggs, meat, and fresh produce, aren’t available due to the lack of infrastructure required to store these items. These cooler donations from HATCH will ensure expanded, consistent, safe availability of these important animal protein products, for neighbors in need.

Each double-door cooler holds up to 2,000 pounds of fresh produce and protein. Selected food pantries serve anywhere between 300 to 16,000 individuals on a monthly basis.

“Today, there is a 500-million-pound protein gap for neighbors utilizing food pantries in America,” HATCH Executive Director Danny Leckie. “Protein is essential to sustaining a healthy and holistic diet, and food insecure families disproportionally lack reliable access to high-quality protein sources like eggs. This project allows food pantries to increase protein access and address the current gap in protein need vs. accessibility.”

HATCH will deliver coolers to selected food pantries in September to celebrate Feeding America’s annual Hunger Action Month. With more than 150 applicants to this program, it’s clear there is a significant need for cold storage across the nation.

“Egg farmers care deeply about their communities, and annually they donate tens of millions of eggs to local food banks across the country,” American Egg Board President and CEO Emily Metz. “Unfortunately, many food pantries lack sufficient resources to store all of those valuable eggs. Shoring up refrigeration capacity with HATCH is an important step toward making sure people in need have access to the high-quality protein and essential nutrients of eggs and other vitally important foods.”

For a list of food pantries receiving a cooler, please visit hatchforhunger.com/blog. To learn more about this program or to reach out for sponsorship opportunities, please visit hatchforhunger.com.

About HATCH for Hunger
Launched in 2015, HATCH delivers nearly 1.2 million dozen eggs each month throughout the country. It is the goal of HATCH to sustainably deliver 300 million protein-rich meals to hunger relief organizations by 2027, creating generational change in local communities.

About the American Egg Board
Home of The Incredible Egg, the American Egg Board (AEB) is the national marketing organization of America’s egg farmers. AEB’s mission is to increase demand for eggs and egg products through research, education, and promotion. AEB is located in Chicago, Ill. For more, visit IncredibleEgg.org.