Hartwick and Kelley have shown leadership for Heights girls tennis

Caitlin Hartwick (above) and Gwendolyn Kelley (below) were co-captains for the Hamilton Heights girls tennis team. Huskies coach Wayne Rupe praised their leadership. (Photos provided)

The Hamilton Heights girls tennis team is honoring its two senior co-captains, Caitlin Hartwick and Gwendolyn Kelley.
Huskies coach Wayne Rupe provided information to the Reporter. Rupe said that the leadership of Hartwick and Kelley “will be sorely missed.”
Rupe said that Hartwick “has thoroughly been a joy to coach” during his time at Hamilton Heights. “I sincerely miss her laugh at practices. There is never a dull moment when Cailtin is around.
In addition to being co-captain and a two-year letter winner for the tennis team, Hartwick also was on the Huskies’ soccer sectional championship team. She won the Presidential volunteer award and was the Heisman High School winner. Hartwick said her favorite moment on the team was playing doubles with Kelley: “We would tell jokes at each changeover so that we would keep smiling no matter what the score was at the time!” She plans to attend Indiana Wesleyan University to study nursing.

Other information about Hartwick:
Parents: Chad and Cheri Hartwick
Siblings: Dalton, Tessa & Stella
Pets: Petunia (dog), Victoria (cat) and all her barnyard friends
GPA: 4.898
Extra-curricular activities: Soccer, Tennis, Student Government, Honor Society, 4H, Youth Group, BPA, Drama Club and Church volunteer
Favorite Teacher: Mrs. Volz
Favorite TV show: Drake & Josh or New Girl
Favorite Movie: Set It Up
Favorite Food: My momma’s Baked Spaghetti
Favorite Restaurant: Chick-Fil-A

Meanwhile, Rupe said that Kelley “has been one of the hardest workers in tennis that I have ever been around. She has improved every year since I have been coaching Husky tennis.
Kelley said her biggest achievement was making the varsity tennis team; she was a three-year letter winner. Her favorite high school moment was when teammate Alyssa Irwin “did a soccer goalie dive for a volley in competition.” She plans to attend the University of Southern Indiana.

Other information about Kelley:
Parents: Dawn Kelley
Siblings: Jennavieve (Jenna) Kelley
GPA: 3.845
Extra-curricular activities: Tennis, Theater, Band, Honor Society, Culture Literacy Club
Favorite Teacher: Mr. Kauffman
Favorite TV show: The Office
Favorite movie: The Nightmare Before Christmas
Favorite food: Cheese Quesadilla
Favorite restaurant: OEC (sushi)

The Hamilton Heights girls tennis team is honoring its two senior co-captains, Caitlin Hartwick and Gwendolyn Kelley.
Huskies coach Wayne Rupe provided information to the Reporter. Rupe said that the leadership of Hartwick and Kelley “will be sorely missed.”
Rupe said that Hartwick “has thoroughly been a joy to coach” during his time at Hamilton Heights. “I sincerely miss her laugh at practices. There is never a dull moment when Cailtin is around.
In addition to being co-captain and a two-year letter winner for the tennis team, Hartwick also was on the Huskies’ soccer sectional championship team. She won the Presidential volunteer award and was the Heisman High School winner. Hartwick said her favorite moment on the team was playing doubles with Kelley: “We would tell jokes at each changeover so that we would keep smiling no matter what the score was at the time!” She plans to attend Indiana Wesleyan University to study nursing.

Other information about Hartwick:
Parents: Chad and Cheri Hartwick
Siblings: Dalton, Tessa & Stella
Pets: Petunia (dog), Victoria (cat) and all her barnyard friends
GPA: 4.898
Extra-curricular activities: Soccer, Tennis, Student Government, Honor Society, 4H, Youth Group, BPA, Drama Club and Church volunteer
Favorite Teacher: Mrs. Volz
Favorite TV show: Drake & Josh or New Girl
Favorite Movie: Set It Up
Favorite Food: My momma’s Baked Spaghetti
Favorite Restaurant: Chick-Fil-A

Meanwhile, Rupe said that Kelley “has been one of the hardest workers in tennis that I have ever been around. She has improved every year since I have been coaching Husky tennis.
Kelley said her biggest achievement was making the varsity tennis team; she was a three-year letter winner. Her favorite high school moment was when teammate Alyssa Irwin “did a soccer goalie dive for a volley in competition.” She plans to attend the University of Southern Indiana.

Other information about Kelley:
Parents: Dawn Kelley
Siblings: Jennavieve (Jenna) Kelley
GPA: 3.845
Extra-curricular activities: Tennis, Theater, Band, Honor Society, Culture Literacy Club
Favorite Teacher: Mr. Kauffman
Favorite TV show: The Office
Favorite movie: The Nightmare Before Christmas
Favorite food: Cheese Quesadilla
Favorite restaurant: OEC (sushi)