Happy Thanksgiving, Hamilton County!

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As we gather around our loved ones to give thanks this holiday, The Reporter wants to thank you, our readers, for all your support. We call ourselves Hamilton County’s Hometown Newspaper, and you have proven time and again that we are.

You will not see a Friday edition from The Reporter this week. Mr. Jellison decided it would be best to bring you a Thanksgiving Day edition and then to give everyone here the entire day off to spend observing the holiday. Since no one will be at work tomorrow, you won’t hear from us again until Saturday.

Every week we bring you our Hello, Hamilton County video with your Friday edition, featuring Paul Poteet’s events and weather. This week our publisher has given Paul the week off as a small thank you for all his work with us in 2017. Don’t worry, your Hoosier Weather Daddy will be back next week as the Christmas season takes off in full force. Maybe we can even get him to wear a red hat?

Thank you for the civic engagement we see in your letters to the editor, as well as your comments on Facebook and our website, ReadTheReporter.com. If you want to have your voice heard, your letters can be emailed to news@ReadTheReporter.com.

Thank you for helping us build the largest social media following of any publication in Hamilton County. Give us a like and a share on Facebook.com/HamiltonCountyReporter.

Happy Thanksgiving, Hamilton County. We’ll see you again the day after tomorrow!