Eighty years ago today, his Lairdship John Sampson arrived on the planet. Last weekend, a long list of friends, only a fraction of whom you see above, gathered to celebrate John’s most recent trip around the sun and wish him well on his next. Being born on St. Patrick’s Day, John is obviously the one in the green hat.

Reporter photo by Stu Clampitt
Only 20 more years to the Century Club
It takes more than the luck of the Irish to make it to 80 while still seeming spry. Maybe John Sampson’s title of Scottish Laird helped make him stubborn enough. Either way, The Reporter hopes you have the happiest of all possible birthdays! Here are few photos from your pre-birthday bash. (Editor’s note: In years past John’s friends used to take him out to dinner for occasions like this, but with this many friends and loved ones, we’ve long since exceeded the capacity of any restaurant.)
Photos by Bill Miller