Hamilton Heights Primary students put their hearts into Valentine’s Day

Jude Barger’s clip is created through Green Screen by Do-Ink app using a heart-themed background and ready to be shared. (Photo provided)

For Valentine’s Day, parents will get a special treat featuring their children at Hamilton Heights Primary School, thanks to green screen technology. Primary School Kindergarten teachers Connie Kolb and Sue Hahn have spearheaded an eProject which uses an iPad, the Green Screen by Do-Ink app, and a green screen to help students create an interactive video.

Jude Barger readies to make a 12-second interactive video for Valentine’s Day. (Photo provided)

Students recited poems in front of a green screen. The 5- to 15-second clip was recorded and integrated into a heart-themed background. Students will share their special message and lasting keepsake with their families on Valentine’s Day. More interactive student eProjects are planned in the future to help teach students how to create their own videos and then upload to SeeSaw to share.