Hamilton Heights freshmen among ACTS Class of 2024

Hamilton Heights freshmen who were among the Hamilton County A Chance to Serve (ACTS) Class of 2024 graduates include (front row, from left) AJ Smucker, Illiana Bowyer, Quinn Thompson, Fiona McDonald, and Will Monnin; (back row, from left) Maggie Herrington (Purdue Extension ACTS Leader), Aleah Trump, Nora Trees, Celeste Wiegman, Selah Heuer, Ben Butor, Jubilee James, Lori Watson (class sponsor), and Kathleen Bohde (Purdue Extension ACTS). (Photo provided)

Graduates will serve on boards of five local service organizations

Eleven Hamilton Heights High School freshmen were among the 31 graduates of the Hamilton County A Chance to Serve (ACTS) Class of 2024.

This leadership program, created and sponsored by the Purdue Extension/Hamilton County, offers freshmen the opportunity to participate in five, day-long training sessions their first semester of high school. Graduates then get to apply those skills coupled with real-time learning experiences by serving as a member of a local board for two years.

Lori Watson, HHMS freshman guidance counselor, serves as the coordinator for the program. Illiana Bowyer, Ben Butor, Selah Heuer, Jubilee James, Fiona McDonald, Will Monnin, AJ Smucker, Quinn Thompson, Nora Trees, Aleah Trump, and Celeste Wiegman will begin their first year of board service for the following organizations: ACTS Impact, Hamilton Heights Educational Foundation, Our Town Cicero, Breathe Easy, and Indiana Center for the Prevention of Youth Abuse and Suicide.

Congratulations to these aspiring leaders of tomorrow who are getting a jump start today. Learn more about this exciting youth leadership program at extension.purdue.edu/county/hamilton/acts.html.