Hamilton Heights ag educator Emilie Carson named Husky Hero

Emilie Carson was selected as the Husky Hero for the month of May. (From left) Craig Bowen of FC Tucker, Carson, Amber Bowen, and Melissa Martin of the Hamilton Heights Education Foundation. (Photo provided)

Emilie Carson, Hamilton Heights High School Agriculture Education teacher and FFA Chapter Advisor, has been named Husky Hero for the month of May.

Carson has been at the helm of Heights’ agriculture program and FFA Chapter sponsor since 2016. Ag education and the FFA program at Heights has grown in size and scope under her leadership.

“Mrs. Carson spends numerous hours outside of the classroom helping her students achieve their goals,” said Katie Anderson, HHHS ’21 and former FFA member. “She allows her students to compete in competitions that they are interested in even if she doesn’t know much about that specific contest, she will find someone to help them. She spends many evenings after school in the classroom having practices with her students to make sure they have all the materials they need to succeed. Her love and passion for Agriculture Education goes beyond the classroom and continues year-round as her students participate in agricultural-related activities throughout the summer.”

Anderson added, “There are very early mornings, and even later nights that she puts into her students, so they have every opportunity to participate in the contests of their choice. She truly cares about her student’s success in and out of the classroom. Her passion goes above and beyond. She has led many of her former students to do great things within the industry after graduation. I believe she makes a great impact on her students’ lives that they will carry with them throughout whatever their next steps are after high school.”

For Carson, the importance of her work lies in how she can educate students and change their lives.

“Wow! I was so surprised and so humbled by this nomination,” Carson said when presented with the recognition. “Being selected as a Husky Hero is a huge honor. This is the type of award that every teacher strives for in their daily workings. For me personally, my reward is seeing my students succeed in FFA competitions and make connections within the agricultural industry.”

Carson continued, “As the agricultural teacher, I have the unique ability to teach and influence students through agriculture. Standing behind the scenes watching my students strive for success gives me the opportunity to watch these young men and women become leaders of the next generation. Leadership, tenacity, and determination are the foundation of what we work to achieve in the Agriculture Department throughout the year.”

Carson’s dedication to agricultural education at Hamilton Heights is recognized by students, fellow teachers, and administrators.

“Emilie has steadily built this program from the ground up,” said Jarrod Mason, Hamilton Heights High School Principal. “She has done a great job of developing leaders in our FFA both at home and at the state and national level. She is constantly looking to showcase our FFA talent and build community partners with our AG program.”

Congratulations to May’s Husky Hero. Thank you, Emilie for making an impactful difference in Hamilton Heights schools and being a Husky Hero.

Do you know a Husky Hero? Nomination forms and information about this special recognition program for Hamilton Heights employees are available at bit.ly/hhschuskyhero. The Husky Hero Recognition program is made possible through the Hamilton Heights Educational Foundation in partnership with Craig and Amber Bowen (FC Tucker). #hhedfoundation