Hamilton County, Wayne Township breaks ground on government center

(Front row, from left) Monica Hanes, Wayne Township Assistant; Diane Crim, Wayne Township Trustee; Laura McNamara and Stacy Mahan, Wayne Township Board members. (Back row, from left) Scott Eiker, Design-Build; Bryan Mason, WTVFD; Jennifer Roberts, Elements Engineering; Tara Anker and Darren Peterson, Peterson Architecture. (Photo provided)

Wayne Township is building a new Government Center, which will house the Wayne Township Volunteer Fire Department and the Wayne Township Trustee’s office, as well as a community room.

Local officials, including Hamilton County Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt, Wayne Township Trustee and Board members, and members of the Wayne Township Volunteer Fire Department gathered at the building site at State Road 32 and Durbin Road in Noblesville on Wednesday, Sept. 25, for a ground-breaking ceremony.

Plans for the new government center began two years ago, when the Wayne Township Board agreed the existing Fire Department building was not going to be feasible to house the department long-term, as it had outgrown the small space.

The Wayne Township Government Center design work is being managed by Peterson Architecture and construction crews under Design-Build have recently started site work. The building is expected to be complete by mid-winter 2020.