Coursework designed to decrease turnover & increase leadership skills
Hamilton County is partnering with Ivy Tech Community College in Hamilton County to provide employees with leadership training as well as safety and compliance courses. The classes are designed specifically for Hamilton County employees and will be conducted during work hours.

“We wanted to develop training programs that close skill and compliance gaps within our workforce,” Hamilton County Director of Human Resources Sheena Randall said. “These courses are designed to decrease employee turnover, help people grow their careers, and strengthen our workforce.”
The free courses will offer a combination of hands-on training, theory, and project application and will only be available to Hamilton County employees. All participants will receive a Certificate of Completion and, in most cases, three hours of college credit.
“Fortunately, we don’t have a lot of turnover at the county,” Randall added. “But that also means we have an aging workforce. We need to start planning for succession, to upskill our younger employees, and to build a pipeline for future leaders so they’re ready to fill those gaps when they open.”
Hamilton County has worked with Ivy Tech+ Career Link to help to create a semester-long Leadership Training Series that includes such issues as addressing poor performance, delegating with purpose, and resolving workplace conflict. Microsoft Office training will also be included.

Hamilton County Safety & Risk Manager Steven Rushforth says the county will also offer a number of safety and compliance classes like OSHA, INDOT, and HazMat awareness trainings.
“By partnering with Ivy Tech we have the opportunity to develop courses that fit the needs of our employees,” Rushforth said. “If a department is having unique challenges or its employees are in need of specific skills and abilities, we can develop a course that fits those specific needs.”
In addition to the courses, Ivy Tech will also offer Hamilton County employees career coaching and mentoring.