Hamilton County Republican Party thanks donors

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Dear Editor:

Our Giving Club members and dinner sponsors have been critical to the success of the Hamilton County GOP. With their financial help, we were able to hold on to our elected offices and secure seats on township boards and school boards in the county. We appreciate our sponsors’ tremendous support.

Thank you to our loyal supporters who have renewed their Giving Club Memberships for 2023:

Chairman’s Club

  • Adler Attorneys
  • Envoy
  • Gaylor Electric / State Representative Chuck Goodrich
  • Massillamany Jeter & Carson LLP
  • Carmel City Councilor Kevin “Woody” Rider
  • U.S. Representative Victoria Spartz
  • Yasmin L. Stump Law Group, PC
  • State Senator Kyle Walker
  • Wessler Engineering

Lincoln Club

  • Matt & Michelle Misterka
  • State Representative Donna Schaibley

Statesman Club

  • Westfield Township Board Member Jim and Mary Ake
  • Judge Rick Campbell
  • Fishers City Councilor Cecilia Coble
  • Judge David Najjar

Additionally, thank you to our new sponsors for 2023:

Chairman’s Club

  • Gurinder Singh
  • Westfield City Councilor Scott Willis

Statesman Club

  • John DeLucia
  • Auditor of State Tera Klutz
  • Joshua Marraccini
  • Kenneth Pennington
  • Noblesville Common Councilor Darren Peterson
  • Fishers City Councilor John Weingardt