Hamilton County Reporter All-County Softball Team 2022

Hamilton County Reporter Sports Editor Richie Hall has named Avery Parker (above left, center) and Izzy Kemp (above right) as Softball Players of the Year. (Photos provided)

Players of the Year: Izzy Kemp, Guerin Catholic & Avery Parker, Westfield


Name                                      School                                       Grade

Taylor Bates                            Sheridan                                     Senior

Maelei Casler                          Sheridan                                     Sophomore

Lauren DeRolf                        Noblesville                                  Senior

Scout Duplaga                        Noblesville                                  Senior

Sophie Esposito                      Carmel                                       Junior

Gabby Fowler                         Noblesville                                  Sophomore

Payton Fox                             Hamilton Southeastern              Junior

Faith Hittle                               Hamilton Heights                       Senior

Kaylee Kardash                      Fishers                                       Senior

Izzy Kemp                               Guerin Catholic                          Senior

Elsa Morrison                          Carmel                                       Freshman

Kate Murray                            Fishers                                       Freshman

Belle Neiling                            Hamilton Heights                       Senior

Avery Parker                           Westfield                                    Senior

Maggie Roh                            Westfield                                    Junior

Lily Roush                               Hamilton Heights                       Sophomore

Chloe Tanner                          Westfield                                    Freshman

Lani Wyrick                             Hamilton Southeastern              Sophomore



Name                                      School                                       Grade

Hannah Abbott                        Fishers                                       Senior

Alayna Baber                          Hamilton Heights                       Senior

Jacquellynne Bates                Sheridan                                     Junior

Samantha Breaux                   Westfield                                    Freshman

Allie Dolenc                             Westfield                                    Junior

Ava Kainrath                           Westfield                                    Freshman

Taylor Larson                          Hamilton Southeastern              Senior

Anna Mauch                           Guerin Catholic                          Freshman

Ella Ohrvall                             Carmel                                       Senior

Kaylee Rhoton                        Hamilton Heights                       Junior

Sophie Schoch                       Fishers                                       Junior

Reis Sjoholm                           Noblesville                                  Junior

Lulu Van Beek                        Noblesville                                  Sophomore

Emma Vance                          Hamilton Southeastern              Senior



Name                                      School                                       Grade

Jenna Chase                           Hamilton Southeastern              Sophomore

Makayla Clark                         Sheridan                                     Senior

Lucy Kemp                              Guerin Catholic                          Freshman

Sage Ladig                              Hamilton Southeastern              Junior

Kirsten Mascari                       Guerin Catholic                          Senior

Hope McDonald                      Carmel                                       Junior

Lily Sullivan                             Carmel                                       Junior

Emme Yee                              Noblesville                                  Freshman