Hamilton County ranks No. 1 in nation in math abilities – including adult math


Hamilton County tops all other U.S. counties in a specific gauge of math ability, but the state of Indiana as a whole falls well below average.

Those are the local headlines from a national study of “numeracy averages” from a spreadsheet and data analysis company called Excel Champs, based on figures compiled by the National Center for Education Statistics.

Numeracy is more than a direct reflection of test scores.

According to the Program for the Assessment of Adult Competencies, numeracy is “the ability to access, use, interpret and communicate mathematical information and ideas in order to engage in and manage the mathematical demands of a range of situations in adult life.”

The Excel Champs study takes the NCES numeracy scores and averages them for each state and county. The higher the average, the more proficient a community is.

Hamilton County’s numeracy scores average 285.7 – higher than any other county in the country and 14.7 percent higher than the national mean. No other Indiana county appears in the top 50.

Top 5 average numeracy scores by county

  1. Hamilton County – 285.7
  2. Los Alamos County, N.M. – 285.1
  3. Douglas County, Colo. – 284.8
  4. Delaware County, Ohio – 283.3
  5. Williamson County, Tenn. – 282.8

Top 5 average numeracy scores by state

  1. New Hampshire 268
  2. Minnesota 267.7
  3. Vermont 264.9
  4. North Dakota 264.2
  5. Alaska 263.7

Indiana’s overall average is far less impressive. At 251.5, the state’s numeracy average is slightly below mid-pack, well behind the leading states.

If you’d like to compare numeracy or literacy nationwide or down to the county level, click here.

This story was originally published by WISH-TV at wishtv.com/news/local-news/numeracy-study-hamilton-county.