Graphic provided by Hamilton County Parks and Recreation
Pop singer Lulu’s To Sir with Love held the top spot on Billboard’s Hottest Singles chart. LBJ was in the White House. The first successful heart transplant surgery was performed, and an ATM was put into use for the very first time. The year? 1967.
It was in that same year, on March 11, that Hamilton County Parks and Recreation was established. From its modest beginning, the county agency that owned virtually no land, and comprised of a park board and only a few dedicated part-time staff, grew into today’s highly-regarded park system. As of 2017, the park department is responsible for the management of twelve (and increasing) county parks, one campground, and three miles of the Monon Trail; all located on more than 1,550 acres of land throughout Hamilton County. In addition, the department provides quality nature education programming and facilities, and stages popular community events throughout the year.
Hamilton County and its park department have experienced significant change and growth since 1967. One constant has remained in that fifty year span of time – the tireless dedication of a park staff committed to providing county residents and visitors the very best in recreation and nature education!
In recognition of the department’s historic milestone, Hamilton County Parks and Recreation is launching its celebratory theme – The Big 5-Oh! Look for this graphic theme to appear throughout county parks and in our community all year long.
As exciting and rewarding as the past six decades have been, the park staff is even more excited about all that the future holds for Hamilton County Parks!
Your Help is Needed in Celebrating The Big 5-Oh!
As part of the anniversary celebration, Hamilton County Parks will be sharing, in print and online, photos captured and memories made in its parks over the last fifty years. If you have photograph, icons or park-related stories to share, please email them to Hamilton.Parks@HamiltonCounty.In.Gov or drop them off at the department’s Administrative Office located at 15513 S. Union Street, Carmel, IN 46033. If you have any questions about this request, or would like to know more about how the items might be used, please call 317-770-4400.