Hamilton County moves back to yellow COVID-19 advisory

Map provided by Indiana State Department of Health

With a recent increase in the COVID-19 positive cases rate, Hamilton County has been moved back to “level yellow” under the state’s Weekly Two-Metric Score.  The new rating was announced on Wednesday, just one day after Governor Holcomb’s mask mandate ended.

On Thursday, the Indiana State Department of Health reported 48 counties with blue ratings, 42 counties with yellow ratings, and 2 counties with an orange advisory.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Hamilton County has reported 33,867 COVID-19 cases with 404 deaths attributed to the virus.

11 Comments on "Hamilton County moves back to yellow COVID-19 advisory"

  1. Phyllis Reusser | April 9, 2021 at 10:23 am |

    Thanks for the update, but what does yellow mean for restrictions for us in Hamilton county?

    • Look up the color’s meaning online. They don’t mean certain rules, they are related to number of cases and deaths.

  2. Richard Krieg | April 10, 2021 at 7:05 am |

    This is what was expected. People have stopped wearing masks, when we go out it is like because of his mask ending mandate, it just disappeared. I hate people.

  3. Richard Kiovsky, MD | April 10, 2021 at 2:29 pm |

    Spring Break is almost over. Covid cased are increasing. People, get back to wearing masks! It’s not that hard.

  4. Margaret Thompson | April 10, 2021 at 3:03 pm |

    We’re almost there people , wear the mask .lets end this sh*t..

  5. Debbie Mason | April 10, 2021 at 4:27 pm |

    Yes, I’m pretty sure that one day after the mask order was lifted the numbers magically increased in 24 hours.

  6. June Raymond | April 10, 2021 at 5:10 pm |

    Cases will go up initially as we ween off masks. Masks must go away to preserve this country. Covid is nowhere near as dangerous as it once was now that there are widely available vaccines and therapeutics. We can’t prevent every death, just like we can’t protect against every car accident, gun death, flu death, cancer death, suicide, heart disease death, or any other plethora of things that kill humans. The most damaging part of covid will no doubt be the resulting condition of the population to believe whatever media tells them and what government says to do.

  7. Pathetic

  8. People pray pray pray

  9. John Smith | April 11, 2021 at 3:46 am |

    People are stupid and selfish and that’s how this spread like wildfire in the first place. Don’t expect others to care about anyone but themselves; protect yourself by continuing to masks, social distancing and staying AWAY from crowds. This will never end because now there are so many new variants and more arising all the time. And it’s mostly uneducated poor idiots, Republicans who think Dems created this as a hoax, and Gen Zs going around killing people because they’re “tired of wearing a mask” or “no one is going to tell me what to do.” Selfish people who then call themselves “Christians.” HA! Also, places don’t enforce the mask rules and mandates anyway. If only it was the idiots and those who “don’t believe” in science that died….

  10. Robert Wilkinson | April 11, 2021 at 3:51 pm |

    Que the liberal babies crying! You’re the biggest waste of life on this planet. If you don’t like this state not having a mask mandate, GET THE HELL OUT! Move to a POS liberal state!

    This state and country would be better off without liberals in it. That’s a scientific fact.

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