Hamilton County mourns loss of community leader Mike Hartley

The Reporter has learned that prominent northern Hamilton County community member Mike Hartley passed away unexpectedly over the weekend while in Tennessee. Hamilton County mourns his loss, and several community leaders have shared their thoughts with The Reporter.

Mark Heirbrandt
Hamilton County Commissioner

I was saddened to hear about the passing of my friend Mike Hartley.  Mike was a strong advocate for the northern communities in Hamilton County and we would talk frequently.  He also served on the Hamilton County Cemetery Commission since 2008 and helped maintain care of several cemeteries.  He was truly a servant at heart and had a great sense of humor too.  Mike touched so many people’s lives and will be sorely missed.  My sincere condolences to his family.

Emily Pearson
Community volunteer & Cicero Town Council candidate

Mike is a well-respected and loved leader in our community. The compassion, courtesy, wisdom, and respect he showed touched many of our lives. He will be greatly missed.

Robyn Cook
Jackson Township Trustee

You only had to speak with Mike for a few minutes before it was clear that he loved God and his family deeply and was passionate about our community.

He has touched most of our families in one way or another and been a pillar of comfort and strength.

My heart breaks for his family.  I pray that we all link arms with them and provide encouragement and solace just as Mike did for so many others.

Jerry Cook
Cicero Town Council

My thoughts and prayers go to Robin, the boys, and Kay. Mike was certainly an asset to our community and will be missed.

Jeff Jellison
Hamilton County Coroner

I am deeply saddened to have heard the news of Mike’s passing.

Mike served his community with sympathy and compassion. The work that Mike did day after day during times of tragedy did not go unnoticed.

Mike will be greatly missed and the community will be eternally grateful for his dedication.

I am honored and blessed to have known Mike. The thoughts and prayers of the Hamilton County Coroner‘s office is with the Hartley family.