Typically, presidential election years drive higher-than-normal voter turnout, even during the primary.
However, county participation remained below 20 percent once the ballots were tallied Tuesday night.
This could be due to the fact that few local races were contested – which stands in stark contrast to both the gubernatorial and Fifth District congressional races.
Despite the chaos, incumbent Rep. Victoria Spartz made it through the GOP contest. In fact, every incumbent with ties to Hamilton County who ran this cycle won re-election. We’ll leave it up to our readers to decide what that could mean for the general election in November.
You can see a list of contested results on Page 1 of today’s edtion. (Note that races which include more than Hamilton County results are current as of 3 a.m. Wednesday.)
The full lists of race results – according to Hamilton County voters only – appears on Pages 3 and 4 in today’s edition.

On Tuesday afternoon at the Government & Judicial Center in downtown Noblesville, Karl Lundberg (seen here at left) spoke to The Reporter for a few moments about Robby Slaughter’s potential candidacy as an independent for the Fifth Congressional District in the fall. (Reporter photo)

Reporter photo