Experts to provide tips for safely removing unwanted & expired drugs from the home
The Hamilton County Health Department, in collaboration with the Hamilton County Council on Alcohol and Other Drugs (HCCOAOD) and the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office, will hold a webinar on Wednesday, April 24 about the proper disposal of unwanted and expired drugs.

“Proper disposal of unwanted and expired drugs is essential to safeguarding our communities, particularly in light of the growing opioid epidemic,” said Captain Mark Bowen of the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office. “It’s critical individuals safely remove substances from their homes to help reduce the likelihood of accidental ingestion and abuse.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates 112,000 people died of drug overdoses in the United States last year, marking the largest number of drug-related deaths ever recorded in a year.

“Most people who misuse prescription drugs get them from family, friends, and acquaintances,” HCCOAOD Executive Director Monica Greer said. “We know prevention starts at home. The simple step of clearing out medications that are no longer needed makes our homes safer, prevents prescription drug misuse, and can help save lives.”
In addition to offering safe disposal methods for prescription and over-the-counter medications, the webinar will also discuss drug take-back locations and the environmental impact of improper drug disposal. Individuals interested in attending the webinar at 6 p.m. can register at