Hamilton County GOP women gather in Noblesville for a holiday luncheon
(From left) HCFRW Secretary Sheryl Clifford, HCFRW past president Jennifer Templeton, Hamilton County GOP Secretary Kim Good, Fishers City Councilmember Cecilia Coble, State Sen. Victoria Spartz, HCFRW President Emily Pearson, Noblesville Common Councilmember Chris Jensen, State Rep. Donna Schaibley, Congresswoman Susan Brooks, Hamilton County Commissioner Christine Altman, Noblesville mayoral candidate Julia Church Kozicki, Clay Township Board member Mary Eckard and State Rep. Chuck Goodrich. In front, Natalie Shepherd, Carmel, and Annie Heinzmann, Fishers, with Elle the HCFRW Elephant. (Photo provided by Denise Moe)
Hamilton County Federated Republican Women (HCFRW) held its annual holiday luncheon on Saturday at Matteo’s Ristorante Italiano in Noblesville. Saturday’s guest speaker was Congresswoman Susan Brooks, who has been both a member and a sponsor of HCFRW for many years. The ladies will begin 2019 with a push to support the O’Connor House, which serves young women in need.