Hamilton County focusing efforts on recruiting veterans for jobs

Hamilton County has jobs to fill, and it wants veterans to help fill them.

The Veteran Committee for Hamilton County’s 21st Century Talent Region recently released a video designed to attract veterans to the local area. Funded by a grant from Duke Energy, the video features testimonials from veterans who currently live and work in Hamilton County.


Chuck Haberman, Workforce Development Manager for the City of Noblesville, and a United States Marine Corps veteran, heads the committee.

“The veteran population is mostly transient by nature, with changing duty stations, detachments, and deployments, so when we’re ready to finally settle down, we want to make sure it’s going to be right for us,” Haberman said. “The committee, made up entirely of veterans, felt it was important to highlight the things we know are important to veterans and the things Hamilton County has in spades.”

The committee will use the video to help attract and retain veterans to the county. It is also working with InVets, the state veteran attraction initiative, as it promotes Indiana throughout the country as a great place to relocate after they leave the service.


“I am proud of Hamilton County’s focus on veteran opportunities,” said Mark Heirbrandt, president of the Hamilton County Commissioners. “We hope that veterans will find our county attractive, welcoming, and a place to call home for years to come.”

Click here to visit the veterans’ webpage.