Hamilton County’s Local Emergency Planning Committee won six awards during this year’s annual Indiana Emergency Response Commission Conference. The LEPC’s mission is “To enhance emergency response and preparedness plans for all-hazard incidents for Hamilton County through planning and communication between the citizens, business and government.”

The six awards are on display in the Hamilton County Emergency Operations Center. (Photo provided)
Those six awards include the Chairman’s Award, Facility Outreach, Public Outreach, Data Management, Exercise and Training.
Chairman’s Award
Pam Eldridge, HCEM Administrative Assistance and LEPC Recording Secretary, has been the driving force for the LEPC for over 13 years. She has implemented changes to the committee’s bylaws, increased public awareness through public outreach, pushed for the development of an LEPC logo, and increased the membership of the LEPC.
“I could not be prouder of Pam,” said Shane Booker, Executive Director for Hamilton County Emergency Management. “Pam is a guardian angel to the public and has been for many years. Her passion for continuing to push for development within the program is amazing.”
Facility Outreach
Local fire departments assisted the LEPC by acting as ambassadors to handout outreach information when they met with local businesses. A presentation was given to the fire inspectors along with a flow chart determining if local businesses need to report their chemical inventory.

LEPC Recording Secretary Pam Eldridge received the Chairman’s Award at the Indiana Emergency Response Commission Conference. (Photo provided)
Public Outreach
The LEPC engaged with the public during several special events over the summer. Totes were handed out to the public with information regarding the LEPC, how to shelter in place and other important preparedness information.
Data Management
The LEPC worked with the Hamilton County Public Safety Communications to upload chemical information to the computer-aided dispatch system. The data can now be seen by public safety personnel as they respond to an incident.
Each year, the LEPC conducts an exercise to test their response plan. In 2018, the exercise involved over 80 participants from 14 agencies.
Efforts to train the LEPC in a variety of topics during each of their meetings.
Hamilton County also received a certificate for hosting the Indiana Emergency Response Commission meeting held at the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office in May of 2018.
Additional information about the LEPC is available at hamiltoncounty.in.gov/lepc.