Hamilton County Councilman Mark Hall’s June Timesheet

Welcome to the Timesheet. This column is a report of work done on behalf of the people of Hamilton County. It’s to be informative, too – a place to learn about projects and how our county government works.

As your employee, it’s important to me that you know what is being worked on as transparently as possible in government. You hired me as your County Councilman, and my hope is that you’ll choose to be informed by regularly reading this column, getting involved, and by asking questions. Council meetings are at 7 p.m. the first Wednesday of every month at the Judicial Center in downtown Noblesville. Meetings are also available to watch online for those unable to attend in person.

Here is where my time this past month has been spent.

In addition to County Council public, personnel committee, and Regional Development Commission meetings, June work included a joint meeting with the Commissioners, a county benefits and insurance update meeting, participating in a Council Commissioner Joint working session, watching a Board of Commissioners public meeting, participating in the quarterly County and Cicero departments project update meeting, attending a Noblesville City Council meeting, participating in a Sheriff’s department 2025 compensation planning review meeting and attending a Cicero Town council meeting.

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This month, along with other RDC members, we approved how the Police & Fire Training Center project would be paid for. My expectation is that the completed project build will be within budget. I also expect future requests for water rescue training capability and a driving course to come before the RDC or full County Council. For now, we are building a nice facility that will allow public safety departments to train locally, coordinate between agencies, and provide for a safer Hamilton County.

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June’s personnel committee meeting included a handful of reclassifications and compensation adjustments for staff. Positions were reviewed from both the Sheriff’s department and the 911 Communications Department. These changes were based on a review internally and an outside review by the county’s independent benefits and compensation vendor.

A substantial portion of the personnel committee meeting was dedicated to 2025 compensation budget reviews for Corrections and Sheriff staff. At issue is salary parity with competing agencies and ensuring competitive starting compensation. I am extremely impressed with the detail work and analysis performed by our Human Resources team, the Sheriff and his leadership team, as well as the counties compensation and benefits consultant.

The in-depth analysis included competitive government agencies and comparable-sized county governments in state and out of state. Subsequently, I’ve checked third party sources and thoroughly reviewed the requests independently myself. The level of complexity and detail required a special follow-up personnel meeting just to address the 2025 compensation budget for our public safety professionals. It has been a big investment of time this past month.

Personnel requests are voted on as they occur, first, in the personnel committee and then at the next regular council meeting using a recommendation from the committee. Departments 2025 compensation will be part of the annual budget process taken up by the council in September. Department budget requests are in process and due to the Auditors office soon. The Finance committee did not meet in June.

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This month there were several taxpayer requests. Usually, requests require research with a county department, securing the correct answer and then following up with the taxpayer.

June’s first two requests were asking about safety and police patrols at Morse Beach Park. The constituents had observed large “rowdy” parties at the park on the weekends. Further, one witnessed vandalism of park property. I alerted our parks department officials as well as law enforcement asking for repairs and increased patrols on the weekends.

I received two questions about property taxes and the appeals process. After walking both through their property tax calculations, both have been referred to the assessor’s office to appeal their assessments.

Lastly, folks from Sheridan contacted me regarding their water bills increasing dramatically over the past two years. After much discussion, I connected these neighbors with the State office that oversees utilities.

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This month, it was an honor to represent you on WIBC radio and at the Noblesville Noon Kiwanis meeting.

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Tragically, in June, we unexpectedly lost a talented public safety team member. Steffanie Pickett, a dedicated and beloved dispatcher passed away unexpectedly. Please join me in offering condolences to her family, friends, and coworkers.

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This is my timesheet. This is where my time went during month 18. There are many projects in the queue for 2024, and while my job is primarily the financial oversight of the county budget, it is important to understand the Board of Commissioners’ priorities and balance them with the stewardship of taxpayer dollars. That is the job, and I am excited to do the people’s business.

As a taxpayer myself, and listening to so many of you, our employers, it’s important for the taxpayers to have access to all the information you want. I work for you and although you may not choose to do a deep dive into what your County Council does, it’s important that you can always do so.

Feel free to contact me at (317) 832-1104 or mark.hall@hamiltoncounty.in.gov with questions, feedback or if you would like to talk about county business.

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