Crowds prove the price is right at Noblesville’s new Costco
Costco’s newest location opened on Tuesday in Noblesville to massive crowds that over-filled the parking lot and packed the aisles for 12 solid hours.
According to Jerry Cowan, whom The Reporter met while he was checking to be sure everyone had their membership cards ready at the entrance, parking had been a challenge. Apparently, everyone wanted to get in and shop before Thanksgiving while Costco still had that new store smell.
“It was a madhouse this morning,” Cowan told The Reporter. “They reported there were no parking spaces earlier. People didn’t know where to park and the cash transfers were backed up down the center aisles with people waiting to pay their money, and we were glad to receive it.”
Regional Membership Manager Lisa Pitmann was working a 12-hour shift Tuesday as the store was open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on opening day.

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“It’s been like this solid since 8 a.m.,” Pitmann said. “We had a little lull between 2 and 3 [p.m.], but otherwise it’s been solid.”
Costco has extra workers scheduled on opening day to for a variety of reasons, not the least of which was bringing shopping carts back inside for each new wave of customers.
“We’ve got at least six to eight people on carts today since 8 this morning,” Pitmann said. “Plus it was raining so we were wiping the carts off. We had another five people on that. But it was worth it.”
Pitmann has been with Costco since 2004 and has seen her fair share of store openings. She told The Reporter she was impressed with how welcoming Hamilton County has been for this location.
The Noblesville community has been so gracious in accepting us coming in,” Pitmann said. “As you know we’ve had tents around. We went into local businesses and talked to them and offered some new member incentives. We’ve also been to various events, which has been great. It’s been very embracing. This has been great. It’s been a very strong opening. We’re very happy they’ve embraced us to this point.”
Pitmann was also thankful to Hamilton County for getting the road improvements, including a stoplight with a turn lane at 146th Street and North Pointe Bloulevard, completed in time for opening day.
“We’ve got some nice incentives that are running until the end of the calendar year, so just pop in,” Pitmann said. “We’ve got some really fun stuff, but we’re all about quality items at great prices. So we want to get the best things for our members, and that’s what we do.”
Costco is open daily at 14775 N. Pointe Blvd., Noblesville. That’s behind Tom Wood Volkswagen northwest of the intersection of 146th Street and State Road 37. Hours are 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday.
While Costco is closed today for Thanksgiving, Black Friday hours will be 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
For more information, go to
Reporter photos by Stu Clampitt