Hamilton County health officials have called on local elected leaders to begin working with surrounding counties to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Their message, which was written in a letter, echoes one made by Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett and Dr. Virginia Caine last week.
“The more we know about what each other is doing as a region, I think will strengthen our fight against the pandemic,” Hogsett said.
Hogsett and Caine suggested counties begin working together. At the same time, Hamilton County Health Department administrator Barry McNulty and his team were planning a response to a rise in cases, hospitalizations and deaths in Hamilton County.

“We were already talking about this at the same time that came out, so we just incorporated that information to the local elected officials,” said McNulty. He added that with so many people living in one county and working in another, a regional approach just makes sense.
The letter did not discuss a specific plan of attack or what restrictions could come, but McNulty said the goal seems to be for most of the counties surrounding Marion to work as one when it comes to coronavirus restrictions, even if the state doesn’t change its plan.
“We’re pretty much all on the same boat, some are a little better than others, but we’re all on the same boat, so it makes sense to work together,” said McNulty.
He also said some mayors and county commissioners have already agreed to meet, but did not say when.