Hamilton County Basketball Hall of Fame is accepting nominations

The Hamilton County Basketball Hall of Fame is accepting nominations.
The Hall of Fame was started in 2003 and has welcomed 13 classes since its inception. A total of 70 people have been inducted into the Hall of Fame.
Nominees from all Hamilton County schools are welcome. A list of inductee criteria appears below. Nominees can be emailed to djadv@att.net Or call 317-773-0053 to get a nomination form or if you have questions.
Hamilton County Basketball Hall of Fame
Inductee Criteria
1. Must have a completed nomination form on file
2. Forms are available at each school Athletic Directors office
3. Nominations will be solicited through the media
4. Nominations will be due__________________

5. Hamilton County Basketball Player:
6. Who graduated from a Hamilton County High School
7. Who has graduated at least 10 years ago
8. Who made significant contributions to Hamilton County basketball
9. Who has proved to be a person of good character and citizenship
10. Who has made valuable contributions to his/her team

11. Hamilton County Coach:
a. Who has coached in Hamilton County for at least five years
b. Who has been retired for five years
c. Who has proved to be a person of good character and citizenship
d. Who made significant contributions to Hamilton County basketball

12. Significant Contributor
(Team doctors, media personnel, volunteers, long time assistants, etc.)
Who made significant contributions to Hamilton County Basketball
Who has proven to be a person of good character and citizenship

13. Veteran Inductee
Can be player or coach who has been out of high school for at least 50 years