Third round of funding now open through Feb. 14
The Hamilton County Board of Commissioners announces the second round of funding awards from the Opioid Settlement fund, now known as HOPE for Hamilton County. This initiative, in collaboration with the Hamilton County Council on Alcohol and Other Drugs (HCCOAOD), aims to address the opioid crisis through strategic investments in local organizations dedicated to prevention, treatment, recovery, and harm reduction services.
The following organizations were approved for funding in the first round:
- Affiliated Service Providers of Indiana (ASPIN) was awarded $26,000. The non-profit behavioral health provider and education network plans to train and certify more eight new navigators to help match low-income clients with health coverage through the Marketplace, Medicaid, Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP) and the Children’s Health Insurance Plan (CHIP).
- Launch Hope will receive $25,000. The program works with women in the Hamilton County Jail through substance-use peer recovery. It also provides skill training to help make the women more marketable upon their release.
- Christ United Methodist Church was approved for $21,225. It will use the funds to provide free therapy and student mentor programs to those in need.
- Student Impact of Westfield was awarded $17,000. The After School Program plans to partner with JRNY Counseling to provide prevention programming and counseling to head off substance use in students.
- Ignite Transform was awarded $15,000. The mental health program will use the dollars to provide fitness and mental health therapy for women at the Hamilton County Jail as well as overhead and data collection at the main Ignite Transform campus.
- The Boys and Girls Club of Noblesville will receive $15,000. The Club will invest those dollars into its SMART Moves (Skills Mastery and Resilience Training) an evidence-based program that addresses problems such as drug and alcohol use and premature sexual activity with kids ages 6-13 years.
- Sheridan Schools will receive $12,500. The grant will help provide supplies for its prevention programs.
- The Recovery Cafe was awarded $10,000 to develop a website, promotional development, and marketing tools.
- The Sheridan Youth Assistance Program was approved for $8,000 to help contract mental health services.
The HCCOAOD and its nine-member Board of Directors oversaw the community grant award process, awarding a total of $149,725 for critical services and initiatives to help mitigate the impact of opioid use disorders.
The next round of funding is now available, with applications due by 4:30 p.m. Feb. 14, 2025. Awards will be announced Friday, March 21. Projects must run from Tuesday, April 1, 2025, through Tuesday, March 31, 2026.
The HCCOAOD Board will evaluate proposals based on the criteria outlined in the RFF, with final funding decisions made by the Board of Commissioners. Award recipients do not need to be located in Hamilton County, but all services funded by the grants must be provided in Hamilton County. Funding is distributed on a reimbursement basis.

Interested organizations should submit proposals to Monica Greer via email at The subject line of the email should read “Hamilton County Opioid Settlement RFF.”
The application can be found at this link.