Hall responds to campaign sign investigation

Press Release: Re: Regarding Missing Campaign Signs

My opponent trespassed and placed signs without the permission of the Property Owner, Dr. Marc Zipper. There is no question that signs were placed illegally by my opponent on Dr. Zipper’s private property.

Volunteers from our campaign are cooperating with the Hamilton County Sheriff’s department and the campaign has provided them full written documentation of our agreement for signage and exclusive use of the property in question. After our campaign losing so many signs we welcome the investigation into these matters and look forward to a quick resolution of the investigations regarding our missing signs.

On March 19th our Campaign asked permission in writing from Dr. Marc Zipper to place our campaign signs on his properties around Northern Hamilton County.

On March 22nd Dr. Marc Zipper granted our campaign exclusive permission in writing to place signs on his property.

On April 2nd the campaign wrote Dr. Marc Zipper explaining that a clutter of signs was now present on his property.

Just to double check and be certain – In this same communication the campaign asked if he has given any other candidate permission to place signs on his property.

His reply dated April 3rd at 9:22 AM reads –

“I did not give anyone permission to place signs on my property other than you. This is exactly what I was afraid of when I gave you permission. I leave it up to you to decide whether the other signs should be taken down now. I do not want anything to happen to you if you have them removed”. Best of luck with your campaign Dr. Marc Zipper

April 14th at approximately 11:00 AM we informed Councilman Schwartz in person, at the property location, that he did not have permission to place signs at the property and that the owner has people removing everyone’s signs but ours. We offered to show him the written permission. He approached our vehicle aggressively yelling obscenities.

As he neared my wife’s open window yelling and aggressive we pulled away to avoid a physical confrontation. Driving to the West my opponent’s son then gave me the finger and yelled as we drove off.

As agreed with the property owner, our campaign removed two signs this past weekend with permission in writing from the property owner. We seriously question our opponents repeated trespass violations but, in an effort, to take the high road we chose to not make a big deal of it at the time.

The owner has not given my opponents campaign permission to trespass on or place signs on his property.

To date we have had over 100 signs stolen and destroyed. The most recent theft we are aware of occurred as signs were removed from State Road 32/38 intersection in full view of a witness. She reported that our signs were placed in a trunk and replaced with my opponent’s signs. The sheriff’s department is investigating.

Our campaign followed the rules. We obtained permission in writing from the owner of the property and our opponent didn’t. His arrogant disregard for civility, rules and even common courtesy is beneath that of an elected official.

Before I embarked on the campaign, knowing that I was taking on the long-term establishment elected officials, I was warned by several other elected officials of the efforts that would be taken take to protect their power and position. I had no idea they would stoop this low.



Mark Hall

8 Comments on "Hall responds to campaign sign investigation"

  1. DadInFishers | April 30, 2018 at 10:10 pm |

    Yep. That’s what I thought. The slimy Hamilton County swamp of republicans (small ‘r’) tried to pass an ordinance banning sign placement on public right of ways in an effort to prevent challengers from erecting signs of their own. That was shot down by a judge. They (or their supporters) have been stealing fiscal conservative candidate signs (by the hundreds) throughout Hamilton County. And now, Schwartz trespassed on private property to erect his signs, had his signs removed, then tried to claim they were stolen.

    I think this says all we need to know about the republican swamp in Hamilton county and especially about Schwartz. I don’t know Mark Hall. I’ve never met him. But definitely vote for him. We need people like Schwartz gone from public office.

  2. Concerned Citizen | April 30, 2018 at 10:38 pm |

    Thank You Mr. Hall for stepping up and clarifying the situation! It is terrible that an election brings out this kind of behavior in a person that is an elected official currently and makes me wonder what else elected officials would do to keep their position!

  3. Steve Roof | May 1, 2018 at 9:44 am |

    Hamilton County will take the time to investigate the stealing of political signs, but will not investigate the reoccurring vandalism at The Indiana Transportation Museum or at ITM board members homes. In some cases the vandals have even spray painted their names and have posted You Tube Videos an still no interest in investigating it. The museum has been told by the police officers responded and took pictures and write a report that they have been told to that there efforts would not go any further. They stated that they were told this by Noblesville and other Hamilton County politicians. This is appalling!!! The current Hamilton County politicians have no respect for the people who elected them and have no honor or respect for themselves.

  4. Ashamed Constituent | May 1, 2018 at 11:13 am |

    A good rule of thumb here would probably be to NEVER touch another candidate’s property, signs or otherwise. If the landowner does not want the signs on his property, then leave it up to them to remove the signs or contact the offending party for removal. Showing up in the middle of the night and removing signs yourself is doing nothing good for appearances.

    Obviously one of these candidates is lying, as they are telling different versions of the events taking place here. Hamilton County deserves better than this from its candidates and certainly from its elected officials. Shame.

  5. The pictures are of candidate Mark Hall’s wife (she admitted to) stealing the signs. That is the real issue. The pictures look to be taken in the dark – so she was stealing signs in the middle of the night? Who is driving the vehicle she put them into? Where did the signs go? If they legally had the right to take them down – then do so in broad daylight. This statement is a deflection on what really happened – MARK HALL’s WIFE STOLE SIGNS. This is a reflection of Mark himself as the high road would have been to not do anything at all and continue his campaign with his wife as adults – not some petty high school wannabes. Don’t confuse his sanctimonious statement with what really happened! If you elect Mark Hall … his thieving wife is part of the package.

  6. The Beaver Family | May 1, 2018 at 3:19 pm |

    Wake up people…video doesn’t lie! It is just pathetic that Mark Hall’s wife had to do his dirty work after dark and then he bated a passionate man (Steve Schwartz) in public to try to make him look guilty. My family has known Steve for years and he is a good man. He is one of the people we need to keep in there that has dedicated a great deal of his life to Hamilton County and Noblesville. I know him well and he has fought against the “good ole boy mentality” to stand for the citizens of this great County. Don’t be fooled by this wanna be contestant make a passionate man look bad! As they say…video proof of who is really stealing signs doesn’t lie!!!

  7. Arlene Robert | May 1, 2018 at 4:24 pm |

    I have two signs in my yard. One I asked for ( old family friend ) and the other came to my door and introduced himself and asked if he could put signs in my yard. Hamilton County good ol boys need to get out of office. To big for their own egos! I have seen Judges and Magistrates that don’t care about there cases. They just run people through like cattle.

  8. Karin Gorman | May 2, 2018 at 6:25 am |

    I know this is a convenient rebuttal. How do I know? Because this is typical. I know all too well just how manipulative statements are given when backed into a corner. Daylight. Not your land or sign. No misinterpreting those. Period. Dig on this and so much more. Find the pattern. Good old boy? Rather that than narcissistic behavior shrouded in righteousness.

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