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The Humane Society for Hamilton County has gotten new money to help older dogs that come into the shelter. It was recently one of the recipients of a $7,500 grant from The Grey Muzzle Organization.
Staff at the Human Society said that money is huge because that money will help them save 25 to 30 more older dogs.

“That’s huge, it may seem small but that’s a huge number for us and that’s a huge number of dogs,” said Megan Bousley, Marketing Communications Specialist for the Humane Society for Hamilton County.
The money will help cover a variety of needs.
“It’s going to help us with everything from emergency medical care, if a senior dog comes in with a broken leg, if they have something as small as a skin infection, or an eye/ear infection, all the way to helping them with chronic illness.”
Bousley said they have taken in more than 200 senior dogs this year.
“It’s shocking. Our numbers go up every year of senior dogs. People love the puppies, they love these younger, spunky dogs but senior dogs have a lot of love to give. They have a lot of life left in them and we want to make sure that they receive the care that they need to have to have a high quality of life,” she added.
She said at this time they have about 10 senior dogs in their care.
“About 30 percent of the dogs we get in each year are over the age of 7, and that’s surrenders, transfers from other shelters, owner surrenders, strays, that’s straight across the board,” Bousley said.
On Oct. 6, the organization will host Woofstock and their Survivor Charity Walk. Those events will go toward raising money to help save senior dogs and cats, along with other animals.