Governor Holcomb proclaims Sept. 15-21 “Forensic Science Week”

National Forensic Science Week brings recognition to the role that proper forensic science plays in the investigation of crimes throughout the nation, from exonerating the innocent to identifying the guilty.


For more information about National Forensic Week, visit For information about the Indiana State Police Laboratory Division and the services they provide, visit

Below are some interesting stats from 2018:

  • There were 23,876 new cases submitted for analysis at the four Indiana State Police laboratories.
  • Crime Scene Investigators responded to 1,366 different crime scenes throughout the state.
  • Polygraph Examiners conducted 712 polygraph tests.
  • The number of Indiana offender samples being searched in the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) was more than 318,000 of which 5,822 cases in Indiana were linked to a potential suspect (offender) by a CODIS DNA match.
  • A notable case aided by DNA analysis was that of an eight-year-old girl who was abducted, sexually assaulted, and murdered in 1988. Since that time, numerous agencies contributed to the investigation, and the Indiana State Police Laboratory’s Biology Section had completed more than 100 examination requests, that included the testing of crime scene evidence and several hundred DNA standards from persons of interest. In July 2018, all this eventually led to the identification, arrest, and prosecution of the person responsible for this horrific crime. The perpetrator pled guilty and received an 80-year prison sentence. While this case was aided by forensic genealogy from a private laboratory, the DNA matches were made by the ISP laboratory

There are four Indiana State Police laboratory facilities statewide and for additional information; please contact the Public Information Officer (PIO) listed adjacent to the named laboratory location:

Below is the text of Governor Holcomb’s Proclamation:

Whereas, forensic science is a vital public service; and

Whereas, access to quality forensic analysis dramatically improves the investigation of criminal activity, leading to the exoneration of the innocent and the prosecution of the guilty; and

Whereas, forensic science plays a critical role in public outreach and crime prevention, and is evolving in its role as an important member of the criminal justice community; and

Whereas, crime scene investigators, forensic examiners, and forensic scientists provide unbiased, accurate, and reliable analyses of evidence recovered from across the nation; and

Whereas, numerous professional organizations have recognized September 15-21, 2019, as National Forensic Science Week; and individuals across the country will be celebrating; and

Whereas, individuals all across the country will be celebrating this event; and

Whereas, the hard-working people that comprise our forensic science organizations deserve universal regard and appreciation for their commitment to proper scientific investigations for the cause of justice;

Now, therefore, I, Eric J. Holcomb, Governor of the State of Indiana, do hereby proclaim September 15-21, 2019 as Forensic Science Week in the State of Indiana, and invite all citizens to duly note this occasion.

In Testimony Whereof, I hereto set my hand and cause to be affixed the Great Seal of State.  Done at the City of Indianapolis, this 1st day of August in the year of our Lord 2019 and of the Independence of the United States 244.

By The Governor: Eric Holcomb