Gov. Holcomb signs executive order mandating masks

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No criminal penalties for non-compliance


Gov. Eric Holcomb on Friday signed an executive order mandating masks in Indiana beginning Monday.

The order details the requirement of face coverings throughout the state as a way to curb the increase in coronavirus cases. The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) on Friday announced 1,011 more Hoosiers had tested positive for the virus, bringing the state’s total positive cases to more than 60,000.

A total of 2,687 Hoosiers have died as a result of COVID-19. ISDH says there are 197 more probable deaths that don’t have a positive test on record.

“Hoosiers have worked hard to get where we are today with businesses open and people back at work. We want to keep it that way. We don’t want to dial things back. Face coverings can and will help us blunt the increase of this virus,” Gov. Holcomb said in a news release sent to News 8.

The executive order will require Hoosiers to begin wearing masks at 12:01 a.m. Monday.

Holcomb cited an increase in overall hospitalizations, a rise in COVID-19 positivity and some counties reporting regular double-digit positive cases where they had earlier had minimal cases as data that drove his decision to mandate the masks.

State and local health departments will be responsible for enforcing compliance of the mandate through education about the importance of wearing face coverings. The executive order does not include criminal penalties.

However, the order does detail the requirements for wearing a mask in schools.

The governor said local governments have the authority to impose their own restrictions and the order will remain in effect until at least Aug. 26.