States across the country are increasing security efforts after the FBI warned “armed protests” were being planned at state capitols.
The protests are being planned from today through Inauguration Day next Wednesday, according to the FBI.

Governor Eric Holcomb says the state will be prepared to do whatever needs to be done to maintain law and order leading up to the inauguration. Although the governor wouldn’t give details on the plan, he did say the state will be ready to ensure a peaceful expression of opinion.
“Fortunately, a lot of the intelligence we have received has to do with other places as well, but we haven’t had some of the same election issues that have been called into question from this past November here in the state of Indiana,” Holcomb said. “But having said that, we will have a presence that’s appropriate to the situation.”
The governor also said he authorized 625 Indiana National guard members to go to Washington, D.C., through Jan. 22 to help keep the peace there. Those troops were requested by the federal government.