Gov. Braun issues statement on his property tax relief plan

Submitted by Office of the Governor

The Senate Committee on Tax and Fiscal Policy passed Senate Bill 1 Tuesday, advancing the bill to the floor for consideration. The Governor’s office issued the following statement. 

“Governor Braun remains committed to delivering meaningful property tax reform that puts taxpayers first by providing immediate relief, capping future growth, and simplifying the process through reform and transparency.

“Today, the Senate Committee on Tax and Fiscal Policy has taken steps in the right direction by proposing strong caps on future bill growth, reforms to the referendum process, and targeted relief for veterans, retirees, and first-time homebuyers, but Hoosier homeowners need a solution that includes broad and immediate reductions in their tax bills.

“The Governor will carefully review the changes to his plan and looks forward to working with the House and Senate to strengthen the amended bill to include broad based and immediate property tax cuts for Hoosier homeowners who have been hit the hardest by skyrocketing home value inflation.”

2 Comments on "Gov. Braun issues statement on his property tax relief plan"

  1. Thank you Governor! I’m retired, single, no kids and my property taxes have gone up 58% over three years thanks to IPS referendums, red/blue line. With 73% of Marion Co residents being considered low income they are happy to vote these changes in as they are not paying for it. It’s down to the remaining 27% to pick up the tab! IPS has the lowest graduation rate, lowest test scores, highest drop out rate so why are continuing to invest millions?? Thank you again!

  2. The Senate Committee on Tax and Fiscal Policy has caved to the “sky’s falling” Govenors and Mayors around IN. Their proposal leaves the retired senior citizens that have lived in their homes 50+ years *holding their bag” of cash” to continue to pay the arbitrary & exhorbanent property taxes that we had no say in. An example of how bad it’s gotten:
    2021 Property Taxes=$2158.00
    2023 Property Taxes=$2225 00
    2024 Property Taxes=$3440.00
    The difference between’23&’24=55% +2.6% increase in solid Waste/Storm H2O

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