Goodrich honors Noblesville High School girls soccer state champs

State Rep. Chuck Goodrich (left) presents a resolution honoring Noblesville High School girls soccer team and head coach Mike Brady (second from left) for their state championship. (Photo provided)

State Rep. Chuck Goodrich (R-Noblesville) honored the Noblesville High School girls soccer team Thursday at the Statehouse for securing their second state championship win in the program’s history.

“These athletes had an amazing season and deserve this recognition,” Goodrich said. “They are truly dedicated and have made their community proud.”

The team scored more than 50 goals throughout the season, averaging three goals per game. The team defeated No. 1-ranked school rival Carmel in the championship match by a score of 1-0.

“It is just an honor for us to be recognized at the Statehouse,” Head Coach Mike Brady said. “These are some of the best student athletes Noblesville has produced and represent the community in a great way.”

They ended their season with a record of 17 wins, three ties and no losses.