Good News from the Stony Creek Church of Christ

Abortion: “The American Holocaust”

The United States, and much of the world, is embroiled in a dispute over abortion – the killing of an unborn child.

Since the United States Supreme Court recently ruled that the U.S. Constitution does not guarantee the right to abortion, violence has broken out in many areas, with threats, assaults, property damage to church buildings and pro-life centers, and even the attempted murder of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Today, America is flooded with the innocent blood of millions of babies killed before birth. They are offered to the god of sexual immorality and selfishness. I am convinced that abortion is the single most important ethical issue of our time. Our society needs to be warned of its iniquity and the divine wrath such conduct will incur.

Our society has a twisted view of the value of human life. The same court that opened a floodgate of brutality against infants blocked a million-dollar dam in Tennessee because they feared the dam would endanger a three-inch fish called a snail darter! If a person steals or harms an eagle egg, they will face a $5,000 fine and/or a year in jail. Kill a baby in the womb and there is no fine or no jail sentence!

Does that make sense? Why is it that someone who kills a pregnant woman, so that both she and the baby die, is charged with two murders? But if an abortionist kills just the baby, that is okay.

It doesn’t make sense. If we found a human fertilized egg or a human embryo on Mars all would acknowledge that we had discovered the presence of not just life, but human life.

What does the Bible say about abortion?

In Psalm 139:13-16, David wrote that God had “formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.” The Bible states how the baby forms in the womb was a great mystery to mankind 1,000 years before Jesus (Ecclesiastes 11:5), and yet it never made the mistake of arguing that life in the womb was not human life, or that the unborn child is just a mass of cells. David made it very clear that while he was being formed in the womb, he was a distinct person for whom God was watching over (Psalm 139:13-16).

In Jeremiah 1:5, we read of God having formed a person in the womb and that He knew them while in the womb. Amos writes a rebuke of the Ammonites because they had ripped open pregnant women (Amos 1:13). Life existed and was valued while in the womb. Luke records the first encounter between Jesus and John while both were in the womb. It is recorded that John leaped while in the womb when a pregnant Mary entered their home (Luke 1:41,44). John’s reaction was not altogether surprising. God recognizes the child in the womb as wholly human.

It is sometimes argued that a woman has a right to choose whether to have a baby. This is typical of the rhetoric of the pro-abortion movement, and it implies that there are only two choices a woman has – abort or have a baby. There is no mention of birth control, morality, or adoption. A woman certainly has a right to decide whether she has a child. However, that choice is made before conception. The question really is does a woman have the right to choose to end the life of another?

It is also argued that a woman has the right to control her own body. She absolutely does. This argument implies that the fetus is a part of the woman’s body merely because he is connected to her by the umbilical cord. The fetus is not a part of the mother’s body unless she has two brains and two nervous systems, two hearts and two circulation systems, two genetic codes, and in the case where the baby is a boy, two genders.

With great alarm, pro-abortion advocates claim making abortion illegal will endanger the lives of women. Some argue outlawing abortion will lead to dangerous back-alley abortions which are extremely dangerous. As dangerous as illegal abortions may be for women, they are far from being as dangerous to mothers as to babies!

Charles R. Swindol wrote in his book, The Sanctity of Life, “It has come to the time where the most dangerous place to be in America is not in the inner city where gangs threaten innocent lives or in prisons where only the fit survive … but in the womb of a mother who is being told if she doesn’t really want the baby, an abortion is the solution.” Like Abel, they have a voice. The voice of their blood is crying out to God for vindication (Gen. 4:10).

The words of Ezra certainly apply: “O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to You, my God; for our iniquities are increased over our head, and our guiltiness is grown up unto the heavens” (Ezra 9:6).