Good News from the Stony Creek Church of Christ

Consider Jesus

On December 25, many will be celebrating Christmas. I love this holiday. It is a time filled with family and friends. Despite Christmas not being a divinely given holiday (not found in the Bible) and is highly unlikely the day He was born, I appreciate that Jesus is on people’s minds.

In fact, the Bible encourages us to be focused on Jesus at all times of the year and not just once or twice.

One theme of Hebrews is looking to, considering, seeing, fixing our eyes, and not losing sight of Jesus (Heb 2:9; 3:1; 12:2-3, etc.). The writer’s point is if we do, then we will realize He is worth coming to (Heb 13:13). But for us to see that we must consider more than just baby Jesus, and the book of Hebrews does an excellent job at pointing out some things we need to focus on about Him. Let us consider a few of those …

Jesus is God’s Prophet

God has spoken in a lot of different ways throughout history, but today God speaks to you and me through Jesus (Heb 1:1-4). That makes Jesus a prophet different from all the other prophets before Him. This makes Jesus THE PROPHET! Moses was a prophet of God to the Israelites but predicted God would send a prophet like Moses (but greater) that would come later (Dt 18:15-20).

The whole Bible is about what God did throughout human history to bring us to the moment where Jesus would be the center figure of our attention. Every word, shadow, foreshadow, image, promise, command, instruction, all of it pointed us to THE ONE God would speak through. God spoke to the fathers, like Abraham, whose promises pointed to Jesus. God spoke through the prophets (like Isaiah) whose preaching (writing) pointed to Jesus. (like Is 9 & 53).

Jesus is our Priest

Jesus had to be made like us to be a faithful and merciful High Priest, One that could aid people like us who are tempted (Heb 2:14-18). What we needed was a Savior who not only had the power to do it, but the COMPASSION to do it.

Did you realize Jesus knows what it is like to be you? He knows what it is like to be tempted, to have weakness, to be poor, to struggle with family relationships, to suffer, etc. To serve God on our behalf, He had to learn what it was like to walk in our shoes and to share in our nature.

Because of that, we can/should do two things: 1. Hold fast our confession. 2. And boldly draw near to the very throne of God (Heb 4:14-16; 10:19-25). How awesome is that?

Jesus is our King

He upholds all things with the words of His power and sat down at the right hand of the Majesty (Heb 1:3-4). His throne is forever (Heb 1:8-9). Those are all statements about His Kingship. Revelation 1:12-18 describes His awesome majesty! He is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords (1 Tim 6:15; Rev 19:16). But is He our King? Is He Lord of our life?

Jesus is God’s Lamb

He is this perfect lamb without spot or wrinkle (Hebrews 9, 10). Every lamb, every blood offering in the Old Testament was just a shadow that pointed us to the ultimate sacrifice, the Lamb of God, who would wash the sins of the world (cf. Jn 1:29). In Isaiah 53, God’s suffering servant is a sacrificial lamb being led to slaughter, “baring our sins.” In Revelation 4, the lion of Judah (Jesus) humbles himself to be a lamb that was slain and overcome the dragon/Satan (Rev 12:11). In Hebrews, Jesus is not only the priest entering the holiest of holies to make atonement for the people, but he is the lamb taking away their sins. God laid on Jesus the iniquity of us all and the punishment that our sins deserved we no longer have to face because He bore our sins and died in our place (1 Pt 2:24, Isa. 53:10, 2 Cor. 5:21).

So, how do you see Jesus? If He is speaking for God, then we better start paying attention to Him! If He is serving God on our behalf, then we need to let Him! If He is reigning as King, then we need to submit and come to Him! If we are convicted His blood was shed for the forgiveness of our sins (Mt 26:28), then we need to respond as God instructed by repentance and baptism for the forgiveness of our sins (Acts 2:38; Acts 22:16).

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus and never lose sight of Him.

Visitors are welcome and valued. We meet at 15530 Herriman Blvd., Noblesville. Our phone number is (317) 219-5852. We meet for Sunday morning Bible Study at 10 a.m. and have classes for all ages. Worship begins at 11 a.m. and we have a Bible Study Wednesdays at 7 p.m. A warm welcome awaits!