Good news from Stony Creek Church of Christ


Think on These Things

We are a church of Christ. Often, I am asked what denomination we are a part of, and my response is that we are not a part of any man-made denomination. We have no earthly headquarters, we have no earthly leader and we have no special set of rules that govern our work, worship and organization. On much of our advertising is the slogan, “First Century Christianity in the Twenty First Century.” That is our plea.

The church was established by Jesus Christ the Son of God, to fill a need, to do a work that no human institution could possibly perform. We regret the fact that many churches have smothered the real purpose of the church beneath civic, social, and domestic affairs.

Upon reading Matthew 16:18; Acts 20:28; Ephesians 3:10-11; 5:25; and 1 Timothy 3:15 we need to be impressed with the sacredness of the church. She can have no trivial purpose, nor is such assigned to her by the Word of God.

But some protest and say, “We live in the 21st century. The church must meet the needs of today!” Exactly so! We have many fine civic and social organizations which can meet the physical needs of our community, and we as individuals need to support and promote all wholesome efforts to better the whole of mankind in this life. But what this 21st century is woefully lacking is an emphasis upon the soul of man, and his eternal welfare. Yes, the church must meet the need of today – the very greatest need of all being the peculiar and distinctive benefit offered mankind by Christ – the salvation of their soul.

Our primary concern is with the spiritual needs of mankind – their need for God, for forgiveness of sins, for genuine God-satisfying worship, for the pureness of conscience that can come only from living, working and worshiping according to the directions of the Word of God.

As a people we know we are not perfect. We make no plea of greatness on our part but pledge ourselves to strive diligently to follow the rule of God, the divine message. We speak where the Bible speaks and are silent where the Bible is silent. Does this interest you?

To be a church of Christ we must abide in the teaching of Christ (John 8:31; 2 John 9).

To be a church belonging to Christ we must respect the authority of Christ (Matt. 28:18). This we seek to do. Does this interest you? Then visit with us and we will welcome your honest investigation of the Stony Creek Church of Christ.

John A. Smith serves as the minister at Stony Creek Church of Christ in Noblesville.