Curtis Honeycutt, writer of the weekly humor column “Grammar Guy,” is ready to launch his first book. Titled Good Grammar is the Life of the Party: Tips for a Wildly Successful Life, the book aims to make a subject like grammar approachable and entertaining. The book has been made possible with the help from a grant from the Indiana Arts Commission’s Individual Advancement Program.

The author, who has made big claims in his book, truly believes that good grammar can make anyone’s life better.
“Believe it or not, researchers have released studies that show practicing good grammar can get you job promotions as well as more dates. So, if you’d like your love life or career to rocket to new heights, this is the book for you,” Honeycutt said.
Good Grammar is the Life of the Party releases on May 1 from The County Publishing, just in time for graduation season.
“This book makes a perfect graduation gift for a niece, nephew, grandchild, neighbor, or 26-year-old living in your basement,” Honeycutt said. “Buying this book for someone says, ‘I want you to win at life.’”
Good Grammar will be available on most online booksellers’ websites in paperback and e-book formats.

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Honeycutt had initially planned book launch events at six locations around Indiana where his weekly humor column appears in local newspapers, but he has now pivoted to online-focused strategies to get the word out. This will include a Facebook Live reading of the entire book (not including notes and index) at noon on Saturday, May 2.
Advance praise is already coming in. Cathy Heller, podcast host and author of Don’t Keep Your Day Job, provided these comments in advance of the book’s release: “Honeycutt’s approach to grammar is hilarious and refreshing. Everyone can improve their grammar by reading this book. Not only is this book funny and instructive, but readers will be surprised to find how good grammar can help you improve all areas of your life.”
The “Grammar Guy” column appears in over 30 newspapers across the country. Through his column, Honeycutt has received an award from the National Society of Newspaper Columnists (NSNC) and was named Humor Writer of the Month in August 2018 by the Erma Bombeck Writers Workshop. Honeycutt serves as the treasurer on the board of directors of the NSNC.
Curtis Honeycutt is a nationally award-winning syndicated humor writer and author who lives in Noblesville. Connect with him on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, or at